Tuesday, June 22 2010 00:00


Partial Closure on Arson Investigation

As announced today by Prince George’s County State’s Attorney, Glenn F. Ivey, former Riverdale Volunteer firefighter Jerome Engle pleaded guilty to second degree arson in connection with a building fire at 5413 Riverdale Road on March 17, 2008.  Mr. Engle is schedule for a sentencing and restitution hearing on July 1, 2010.

While this provides some relief for the officers and members of the department, the admitted actions of Mr. Engle and the subsequent damage those actions have had on the department will take many years to heal.  The trust that the citizens of Riverdale Park, the surrounding communities, and Prince George’s County place in the men and women of the fire/ems service has been severely tarnished.

As stated previously, The Riverdale Fire Department, its members and officers have cooperated 100% with investigators to ensure an accurate resolution.  We realize that this guilty plea may reignite concerns citizens may have had regarding these action and want to ensure the residents of Riverdale Park and the surrounding communities that such conduct by our members is not acceptable and/or tolerated.  The department and continues to take every step necessary to continue to provide the professional fire/EMS service they have come to expect.

As we await the trial of co-defendant James R. Martinez, we sincerely wish to extend our thanks to our fellow firefighters, citizens, and officials for allowing the investigation to take its due course and arrive at this partial conclusion.

We are and will remain “Always Ready to Serve”.


 Stephen C. Lamphier Charles A. Ryan, III
 President Fire Chief

Stephen Lamphier,Charles A. Ryan, III,PresidentFire Chief

Last Updated ( Wednesday, June 23 2010 20:30 )