Engine and Tower Go To Kentland Print
Saturday, September 25 2010 00:00
Just before the midnight hour, PSC dispatched Engine 72 and Tower 7 to 8403 Oglethorpe Street in company 28's area.  Engine 72 and Tower 7 responded with 9 personnel and upon arriving on the scene the engine from Gompany 28 placed the box in service.  As units cleared the 28 box, PSC dropped the box for 7213 East Forest Road in Company 33's area for the house on fire.  With Company 7 units clearing the 28 box they were added to the 33 box.  Engine 72 followed the engine from 33 and picked up their line on side C. The crew from Engine 72 advanced a back up line and staged in the rear. Tower 7 arrived on the scene on side C as well and was directed to perform Overhaul on side C. With in 30 minutes Command scaled back the units and Company 7 returned to service.
Last Updated ( Monday, October 11 2010 20:57 )