Riverdale Fire Department, Inc.
4714 Queensbury Road Riverdale Park Maryland   20737 United States
301.883.7707 [MAIN] 301.856.0948 [FAX]

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4714 Queensbury Road
Riverdale ParkMaryland 20737
United States
301.883.7707 [Main]
301.856.0948 [FAX]


Ambulance Crew Unable to Find Address PDF Print E-mail
Friday, September 04 2009 07:36

In an area that Riverdale is relatively new to responding to with the ambulance; the crew did everything they thought possible to make it to the scene.  However, their efforts were not enough and they were untimately unable to locate the address they were dispatched to.  Fortunately, the call resulted in a non-life-threatening injury and the crew from the first due engine company was on scene to administer care during the turmoil.  Another ambulance was later dispatched to complete the transport.

This unfortunate scenario is not made up, it actually happened and for that the Riverdale Fire Department deeply apologizes to the patient and the public in general.  You demand and expect more from us, and our goal is to deliver the most professional Fire/EMS service possible.  This incident is an exception and not the rule by which we follow.  We are steadfastly implementing remedial measures to ensure this scenario doesn't occur in the future in any area that we are called to respond to.

The crew relied too much on technology instead of old fashioned map book skills.  The breakdowns on this incident are too many to mention and would only confuse to matter further.  The fact remains, we got lost.  We apologize and want to ensure the public that we are taking every measure we can think of to prevent future occurrences.

Thank you for your continued understanding and support of the Riverdale Fire Department.  If we can ever be of assistance to you , please do not hesitate to call. (FOR EMERGENCIES - PLEASE DIAL 911)

Last Updated ( Friday, September 04 2009 08:03 )