Riverdale Fire Department Remembers Print
Saturday, September 11 2010 07:01

Nine years ago today the country was changed forever. On that same day, the fire service suffered the greatest loss in the history of the fire service. There were 343 Fire Fighters and Paramedics that gave their lives that day just because they were doing their job. They ran into both towers to save people, which they may have never known otherwise, that were trapped or injured. Even after the first tower collapsed, New York's Bravest ran right back into the second tower.

Let us not forget the 343 members of the fire service that gave their lives on September 11, 2001. But also let us all remember the several hundreds of Fire Fighters and Paramedics that suffered injuries and even death from working at ground zero. Also remember our armed services that are still putting their lives on the line everyday to protect us at home and abroad.

September 11, 2001 is a day that will never be forgotten.