Riverdale Volunteers Continue to Spread Holiday Cheer Print
Thursday, December 23 2010 11:12

The volunteers of the Riverdale Fire Department continued to spread good cheer throughout Riverdale Park Tuesday evening.  Known as "Operation Stockings", the Riverdale Fire Department and Town of Riverdale Park once again partnered to provide some holiday cheer to those less fortunate in the Town.  Thanks to several kind donations, large and small, Operation Stockings was able to deliver holiday gifts to over 130 children and senior citizens this year. 

Santa and his entourage departed the fire station at around 6:00 PM and made their rounds through the town (pausing on occasion to handle calls for emergency service).  For some, these gifts may be the only ones received this year.  The department realized the tough social and economic times that many are facing, and had a strong desire to do whatever we could, afterall we are not only here to protect, but Serve.

A few photos can be seen on the RiverdalePark-UniversityParkPatch.

A partial list of donors can be found here.

And don't forget, Santa will be back for his final performance of the year when he tours the town atop Riverdale Fire Department apparatus on Christmas Eve.

Last Updated ( Thursday, December 23 2010 23:08 )