Town of Riverdale Park Organizes Blood Drive Print
Friday, April 15 2011 15:41

The Town of Riverdale Park has organized a blood drive to benefit Chief Ryan and others at the Washinnton Burn Center.  Mayor Archer announced that on Wednesday, April 20, 2011, there will be a caravan departing form town hall to the Washignton Hospital Center for anyone interested in donating blood.  The group will depart town hall at 12:30.

Also at yesterday's Farmers Market in the Town Center, the Town of Riverdale Park and it's citizens showed their compassion and concern thorugh another community outrasch project.  A "Community Get Well Card" was present at the Farmer's Market for any and all to sign and express their wishes for speedy recovery.  The card will remain at the Town Hall for anyone not able to make it to the Farmer's Market and desiring to add their thoughts until Wednesday afternoon, when it will be delivered to Chief Ryan during the blood drive.

The Riverdale Fire Department's officers and members are extremely greatful and appreciate the abundance of support we have been receiving form the Town and it's residents.  And we continue to stand "Always Ready To Serve".