Town of Riverdale Park Approves Budget Print
Thursday, June 09 2011 22:50

Monday, June 6, 2011, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Riverdale Park passed the FY2012 budget.  Included in this budget was the much appreciated operational allocation of $11,000.  This amount had varied through the years as department needs have changed and we are extremely grateful for this annual allocation. 

Additionally, the Mayor proposed , and the Council approved an allocation of $40,000 towards the purchase of a new ambulance for the department.  With the call volume for EMS (Emergency Medical Services) now comprising almost 80% of the responses from the station, the current unit (which has served us well) is begining to show signs of wear.  The department has had several local dealers to the station recently to demo the different types of units available.  As soon as committee members are able to sift through the various specifications and determine the needs for the future of EMS in and around the Town of Riverdale Park, a vendor will be chosen and a unit ordered.  Currently the types of units the department is looking at purchasing range anywhere from $160,000 and up.  This allocation will go a long way to making that purchase less burdensome on the department.

We sincerely thank the Mayor, COuncil members, and the citizens of Riverdale Park for their continued support of the department.  And we stand "Always Ready To Serve".