Busy Weekend in Riverdale Print
Wednesday, August 21 2013 13:05

The weekend of August 17 and 18 2013 was a busy one in Riverdale. Saturday the members got together and thoroughly cleaned the back alley of the station including weeding the ditch and trimming the trees in the back. While members were working in the back alley of the station, other members were working on updating the station's computers. With all of this work going on in the station, the members still managed to respond to 33 calls for service in the two days with calls ranging from BLS transports, box alarms, a transfer, and a couple of accidents.

The department is always looking for new members and currently has a few openings in our Live-In program. If you are interested in becoming a live-in feel free to contact the membership committee @ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Last Updated ( Monday, September 02 2013 19:16 )