Members Host a Visitor from the Towns Sister City Print
Monday, November 25 2013 15:17

Saturday November 23, 2013 the members were honored to host a dinner for Quique Munroy. Mr Munroy was here on an exchange through the Town of Riverdale Park from the town's sister city of Ipala Guatemala. Mr. Munroy was here to learn how the town handles various services including the fire service. Members cooked a typical Riverdale Fire Department dinner complete with home baked apple pie and ice cream for desert. Some great conversations were had including how the fire service, or bucket brigade, works in Ipala. At the end of the night we sent Mr. Munroy home with a full stomach, answers to his questions, and of course some Riverdale shirts. We welcome Mr. Munroy to visit us again anytime.


Last Updated ( Sunday, December 01 2013 17:27 )